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Preparing for Opening Day

Hello all! June 6th is fast approaching!

I spent all day the other day chopping strawberries, making crust, rolling dough and assembling pies. it really got me in the Bake 'N Buzz spirit. Eleven pies went to Guest House. If I make eleven more for the stand will they all sell? I guess we'll see! I still need to make flyers but I have a lot of things set to go already! Cute water bowl for the pups? Check. Bubbles and chalk for the kids? Check. I've taken all your ideas into consideration and I'm hoping to make this the best year of Bake 'N Buzz so far! Will you help?

I love all of you so much and I'm so excited. Are you? It'll be lovely to see all your smiling faces bright and early on the sixth. Be there or be square... and pie is not square so neither should you be!

Like us on facebook, follow us on twitter, keep up with the blog, and most importantly, BUY PIE! Let me know as soon as you can ahead of time if you want me to set a whole pie aside for you in case we sell out. (It's been known to happen!) Sydney's my name, strawberry rhubarb's my game!

Buzz Buzz,


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