Well that was a flop...
Today I dropped a pie in the oven! It just decided to flip-flap-flop on over while I was taking it out. How rude! (Did I mention I also...
Preparing for Opening Day
Hello all! June 6th is fast approaching! I spent all day the other day chopping strawberries, making crust, rolling dough and assembling...
Summer 2018 Update (WEDNESDAYS)
Are you ready for Summer? The Bake 'N Buzz schedule is not set in stone as to start and end dates, but what we DO know is that it will be...
Summer 2017 Update
This busy bee is preparing for... you guessed it, Bake 'N Buzz! We will have a start date soon, so keep up to date by liking us on...
Friday June 10th
Hey all! I'm just here to tell you about a few things. Bake 'N Buzz will be at a food truck event at Neeskara Elementary (1601 N Hawley...
Looking forward to an amazing summer!
Well, here goes my first blog post! I'm so happy and excited to tell you that Bake 'N Buzz will be back for another year... and...